FREDERICTON'S MOST EXPERIENCED TEAM has been training drivers since 1995 to drive responsibly. NEW ADDITIONS to the classroom include the latest SMARTboard technology & interactive voting systems.
Media Management
Helping forest practitioners preserve and promote the health of the forests that sustain our ecosystems, communities, and economies.
Our chamber is known for our advocacy efforts, outstanding events, membership benefits package and advertising opportunities.
We help caring donors support community causes that enhance lives. We’re an endowment-based, charitable foundation; gifts are pooled and invested, and the earnings are granted back to the community.
Social Service - Community Kitchen - Food Bank
New Brunswick's Premier Meeting Destination
Offering excellence in chiropractic care and massage therapy
More than a Shelter we are open 23 hours per day seven days a week and offer transition to permanent house services
Natural Healthcare Solutions, since 2003
The 709-soft-seat theatre is the place to catch live performances by regional, national, and international musicians, dance companies and theatre companies.
Historical museum featuring exhibits on Wolostoqiyik, Acadian, Loyalists, Victorian Era, First World War. Balcony rentals for special events overlooking the gorgeous view of Officers Square.